Monday, 12 November 2012

Without data you are just another person with an opinion

I had my first meetings today at the OECD in Paris which has to be the centre of all things data.. Statistics, indicators, data, methodological issues, progress measurement, indices, comparative assessment was the lexicon du was all very stimulating and relevant to my inquiries on the connection between policy reform and outcomes reporting...was I the only one impressed by the physical environment of the Chateau Muette and the new age conference center alongside? Delegates  arrived continously from the World Bank and other impressive organisations as I waited at the security check in.. it must also be the centre of the a good way..

I was most impressed by a particular initiative of the Statistics Directorate called ' How is Life?' It is an interactive website on well-being indices...the latest indicator area of interest both here and the UK .. The data visualisation aspects are spectacular,  but what is of interest is that users can decide the relative weightings of the factors in their own 'formula' and then construct the comparative rankings of countries by overall performance or by individual domains.. This information is then used to guide knowledge about what people think are the determinants of well being...apart from that it is extemely user friendly and attractive to use..have a go... OECD..

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